


School of Chemical & Materials Engineering NUST Islamabad intends to purchase Project Equipment for SCME as per following details:-

Cat No. Name of Item Qty Technical Bids Closing Date & Time Technical Bids Opening Date & Time Project Details
1. Autoclave 35 Ltr 01 20 Dec 2023 till 11:00 hrs. 20 Dec 2023 till 11:30 hrs. Dr.Sohaib Butt
2. Double Beam Spectrophotometer 01     -Do- -Do- -Do-
3. Laminar Flow Hood 01     -Do- -Do- -Do-
4. Micro Biological Safety Cabinet Class 1I 01     -Do- -Do- -Do-
5. Centrifuge Refrigerated Machine 01     -Do- -Do- -Do-
6. Micro Plate Reader 01     -Do- -Do- -Do-
7. Microwave Oven 01     -Do- -Do- -Do-
8. Hotplate with Magnetic Stirrer 01     -Do- -Do- -Do-
9. Hand Sheet Former 01     -Do- -Do- Dr.M.Irfan


  • Bid documents, containing detailed equipment name along with technical information as well as terms & conditions, can be collected on payment of Rs.3000/- (Non-refundable) as bid Price during office hours  from Monday to Friday starting from 20 Nov 2023 timing (0900 to 1600 hrs.) as per above given schedule.
  • The Bid Price (Rs. 3000/-) shall be in the shape of Bank Draft or Deposit-Slip in the designated Account of HBL Bank, H-12 Sector NUST SCME Self-Generated Revenue Account number – 0022927000641103 & FTN No.9013704-3 NUST from SCME office at NUST Islamabad
  • Both the bids will be opened as per above given schedule in the Conference Room of SCME, NUST Islamabad where the financial bids opening date will also be announced.
  • Firms having valid GST Registration with their names on the Active Taxpayer Lists (ATL) of FBR are eligible to participate in the bidding.
  • Firms are advised to submit technical and financial bids separately for each category in accordance with Rule 36(b) of Public Procurement Rules – 2004.
  • Bid Security @ 3% of the total bid value in the shape of CDR in favor of Principal SCME must be accompanied with financial bid, however, true copy of the CDR with amount omitted must be attached with the technical bids.
  • Bid advertisement can also be downloaded from NUST, PPRA & SCME websites.
  • Sealed bids shall reach the office of undersigned as per the above stipulated date and time.
  • SCME NUST reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the bids as per PPRA Rule 33 (1).

Contact Information

Chairman Local Purchase Committee
School of Chemical &Materials Engineering (NUST)
NUST H-12 Campus, Islamabad
Telephone: (051) 90855107, 90855025
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Tel: (051) 90855107, 90855025

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]