Tenders INVITATION TO BID for Procurement of IT and Office/ Classroom Equipment for School of ASAB, NUST H-12 Campus Islamabad

INVITATION TO BID for Procurement of IT and Office/ Classroom Equipment for School of ASAB, NUST H-12 Campus Islamabad


INVITATION TO BID (NUST – ASAB) Re-Tender Reference: 0947/LP/ IT and Office Equipment /ASAB/36(IT & Office Eqpt)

1. NUST hereby invites bids for “Procurement of IT and Office/ Classroom Equipment for School of Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB), NUST H-12 Campus Islamabad” from the eligible bidders who are registered with PPRA for E-Procurement on “e-Pak Acquisition and Disposal system (E-PADS)”, having Income & Sales Tax registration and are on Active Taxpayers List on website https://eprocure.gov.pk/#/supplier/registration; in case of any technical difficulty in registration or using E-PADS, the prospective bidders may contact PPRA’s technical team.


2. Bidding Documents containing detailed specifications and terms & conditions can be downloaded from E-PADS. All e-bids must be submitted through E-PADS. Manual submission without E-PADS will not be accepted/entertained. Tender Processing Fee Rs 3,000 as per Tender Document must be provided in original at the time of technical bid opening in the shape of Pay Order/Bank Draft in favour of ‘ASAB-NUST, NUST H-12 Islamabad’.


3. Bids must be uploaded as per instruction given in bidding docs in e-PADS before 04th December 2024 at 1100 hrs. Bids submitted through e-PADS shall be opened on 04th December 2024 at 1130 hrs in ASAB Conference Room (or place decide later), NUST Campus, Sector H-12, Islamabad in the presence of bidders who may choose to attend the bid opening meeting.


4. In case opening date(s) is declared as a Public Holiday by the Government, the next working date shall be deemed to be the date for submission and opening of tender(s) at the same time and place. NUST may reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid by invoking rule 33 of Public Rule (PPR).2004.

Contact Information

President Local Purchase Committee (PLPC-ASAB), Dr. Tahir Ahmad Baig NUST SCHOOL of Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB), Sector H-12, Islamabad

Tel: Tel: 051-9085-6144 & 6121

Email: email: [email protected], [email protected]