Fee Structure for National Students (In PKR): 

​ ​MS/MPhil/MBA/EMBA ​ ​ ​ PhD​ ​
​Engineering /IT, Biosciences, programs
 Business Studies​
Engineering Management & Construction Engineering Management Architecture & Social Sciences Architecture , Social Sciences & Business Studies ​All Other  programs

MS HRM, MS Marketing, MS Logistics & Supply Chain Management, MS Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Rupees) EMBA MBA
​Admission Processing Fee


​10,000 ​10,000 ​10,000 10,000​ 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000​
​Security Deposit (Refundable) ​10,000 10,000​ ​10,000 10,000​ 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000​
​Tuition Fee ​111,960

(Per Semester)


(Per Semester)


(Per course)


(Per Semester)

180,920 137,400 137,400 111,960

(Per Semester)

  • “Harvard Business School licensing fee” will be charged to business students (MBA, MS HRM, EMBA, MS Logistics & Supply Chain Management & MS Innovation & Entrepreneurship) @ Rs. 22,000/year.
  • Miscellaneous charges will be charged @ Rs.2,700/- per Semester.
  • SWIFT Message” from sender Bank is essentially required in case money is transferred from abroad.

Payment of Student Fees:

  • At the time of admission students have to pay the admission processing fee, security and full semester fee in advance. For MBA, MS HRM, EMBA, MS Logistics & Supply Chain Management & MS Innovation & Entrepreneurship, HBS Licencing Fee @ Rs.22,000/year would be included in the invoice at the time of admission.
  • Invoice/Challan for admission charges along with first semester fee and Provisional Selection Letter will be available on NUST website.
  • Tuition fee will be payable on semester basis. Students have to pay their fee in advance before the commencement of semester otherwise they will not be eligible to sit in the class.
  • Student will be charged full tuition fee for 4 regular semesters (2 academic years). After completion of standard degree duration if she/he continues study/research work she/he will be charged Rs. 10,000/- per semester Bench fee (registration maintenance fee) till completion of degree requirements. Furthermore, beyond the stipulated 2 years period a student will also be required to pay the prescribed course fee for deficient / improvement courses (if any). Fee during Summer Semester will be credit hours based @ Rs. 8,000/- per credit hour. If a student completes the degree requirements with in 30 days from commencement of 4th semester, s/he has to pay fee for three regular semesters only (i.e., Fall, Spring & Fall).
  • Summer Semester fee will be charged @ PKR 8,000 per credit hour for all programs less EMBA for which Fee will be charged on the basis of no of courses selected for Summer Semester @ Rs. 61,790/- per course.
  • PhD students will be charged full tuition fee for 3 academic years (6 regular semesters). After completion of standard degree duration if she/he continues study/research work she/he will be charged Rs. 10,000/- Bench fee (registration maintenance fee) till completion of degree requirements. Furthermore, beyond the stipulated 3 years period a student will also be required to pay the prescribed course fee for deficient / improvement courses (if any) @ PKR 8,000 Per credit hour.

EMBA Students

  • Second week of the semester will be an add/drop period without any financial implications for the students.  If the student drops a course after the second week he will be charged full fee for the course and letter grade ‘W’ will be awarded

 Note: All fees and other charges are subject to revision from time to time.

International Students

Fee Structure for Postgraduates students (In USD)

​ ​MS/MPhil/MBA/EMBA ​ ​ ​ PhD​ ​
​Engineering /IT, Social Sciences (Eco) & Bio Sciences programs
Business Studies​
​All programs

MS HRM, MS Logistics & Supply Chain Management, MS Innovation & Entrepreneurship (USD) EMBA MBA, Engineering Management & Construction Engineering Management​
​Admission Processing Fee (Non Refundable) ​45 ​45 45 45​ 24​
​Security Deposit (refundable) ​45 45​ 45 45​ 45
​Tuition Fee (Per Annum) 3,050 4,500 ​​580 (per course) 4,750 3,050
​Course Repeat Fee (per credit hour) 40 40 580 (per course)​ ​40 40​
  • Tuition fee will be charged on annual basis.
  • Miscellaneous charges will be charged @USD 34/year.
  • Harvard Business School licensing fee” will be charged to business students (MBA, MS HRM, EMBA, MS Logistics & Supply Chain Management & MS Innovation & Entrepreneurship) @ USD 104/year.
  • Subsequent, tuition fee will be paid through challan form generated by Finance Directorate, NUST. The structure and schedule of payment will be intimated to the selected candidates.
  • The security deposit is payable along with the admission processing fee at the time of admission.
  • After completion of standard degree duration if she/he continues study/research work she/he will be charged USD 50/- per semester Bench fee (registration maintenance fee) till completion of degree requirements.
  • Summer Semester fee will be charged @ USD 40 Per credit hour for all programs less EMBA for which Fee will be charged on the basis of no of courses selected for Summer Semester @ USD 580 per course.
  • SWIFT Message” of transaction from sender Bank is essentially required in case funds are transferred from abroad.

Note: All fees and other charges are subject to revision from time to time.
