Top Stories NUSTians secure highest number of seats in Erasmus Mundus 2021 from Pakistan

NUSTians secure highest number of seats in Erasmus Mundus 2021 from Pakistan

We are pleased to announce that as per the Official Erasmus Data for 2021, NUST students have been able to secure the highest number of seats from Pakistan with the dedicated efforts of NUST International Office, Scholarship Champions and Institutional Focal Persons of Internationalisation.
NUST International Office (NIO) organises three webinars every semester as part of “NIO Study Abroad Drive” to provide guidance to currently enrolled students on international scholarship opportunities. Six faculty members designated as NUST Scholarship Champions help achieve this. Students are also provided one-one guidance about international scholarships’ application procedures, personal statements, proposals, interviews and universities. In this academic year (Fall 2020-Sping 2021), 850+ students were engaged in these study drives, 840+ student queries were responded by Champions and NIO together, whereas 700+ students were counselled in one-one online weekly sessions under the supervision of NIO.
It is also noteworthy to mention that NIO has disseminated 200+ international opportunities NUST wide during this academic year. All these efforts overall have a positive impact on securing funded positions abroad.
Students can view the Champion’s one to one session schedule for Study abroad Drive on NUST International Office’s webpage: