Undergraduate Level

Eligibility Criteria

In order to qualify to apply for the scholarship, the student must have:​

  • Punjab Province domi​cile.
  • Students must have secured at least 60% marks (first division) in their Intermediate level annual examination.
  • Passed the examination as a regular student from:
    • Government Institution, or Continuing scholar of the respective institution.
    • As a Private Candidate or
    • Private Institution (low fee private institutions).
  • Monthly household family income of the selected student is not more than Rs.60,000/-.
  • Not availing any other educational scholarship during the respective academic year.

Masters Level

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students must have Punjab domicile.
  • Secured at least 60% marks or a minimum CGPA 2.5 in BA/ B.Sc./ B.COM/ BS/ BBA etc. examination (annual) in Punjab.
  • Secured admission as a full time student in the current academic year (2024-25) in one of the partner University / Degree Awarding Institution.
  • Students enrolled in spring/fall session (where applicable) and morning/ afternoon / evening sessions (where applicable) are also eligible to apply for PEEF Masters scholarships.
  • Declared monthly income of parents (from all sources) is equal to or less than Rs. 60,000/-.
    • Children of Govt. employees in BPS 1-4 are exempted from condition of income, if salary is only source of income.
  • Not availing any other educational scholarship during the current academic year.
  • Besides fulfilling PEEF eligibility criteria, the prospective student must qualify the merit and need criteria of the institution.


Students who have already passed/ possessed MA/ MSc. / MS/ MPhil. etc. Degrees are ineligible to apply for PEEF Master Level Scholarship.

How to Apply

  • Institutions are informed as and when the scholarships are available. Tentatively in October / September. Information is also made available​ on web portal for students.
  • Students may apply by submitting relevant Application Form​​ in their institutions.
  • Fall entry students studying in 1st semester (ONLY) & Spring entry students studying in 2nd semester (ONLY) are eligible to apply.
  • Institutions will forward forms in respect of shortlisted applications to NUST Financial Aid Office, PGP Dte.
  • Students will be required to appear for an interview by the scholarship​ award committee at Main Office NUST.

Continuation of Scholarship 

  • Continuation of scholarship is subject to:
  • ​Satisfactory Academic performance.
  • Good Conduct of the student.
  • Provision of progress reports to FAO after each semester.
  • Students are responsible for timely provision of Scholarship Disbursement and Acknowledgement sheets to the FAO after each semester.
  • Availability of Funds.

​Please click here ​to visit PEEF website

Special Quota

PEEF has allocated 20% of its total scholarships to Special Quota(SQ) category. The Special Quota Scholarships are awarded under five categories.

  • Orphans
  • Children of government employees of BPS 1-4 (Children of Both Serving and Retired Govt. servants are eligible )
  • Children belonging to minority religion
  • Special Children (Disabled)
  • The Children of civilians martyred in terrorist’s attacks
  • Children of divorced mothers

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students belonging to the relevant special quota category are eligible to apply.
  • Students who scored at least 60% marks in the Matriculation/Intermediate exams of 2024 (annual), conducted under the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education or Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education.
  • Students from Federal Government or private registered educational institutions located within the Punjab province can apply.
  • Must be enrolled in a full-time (regular) registered educational institution for Intermediate or Graduation in 2024.
  • Parents’ total monthly income should be Rs. 60,000 or less.
  • Children of government employees in Grades 1 to 4 (if the source of income is only salary) are exempted from the Rs. 60,000 income limit.

Process for the Award of Scholarships

Graduation Level

  • Newspaper advertisement is released and applications are invited from students to apply online with in due date.
  • The applications received are scrutinized and eligible students are shortlisted against scholarships allocated for each district, category and gender.
  • Intimation letters and scholarship application forms are sent at the residential addresses of the shortlisted students.
  • shortlisted students fills in and return back the scholarship application forms to PEEF.
  • All the received forms are scrutinized and verified.
  • District, category and gender wise merit lists are prepared for the award of scholarships.
  • Scholarships are awarded through the respective educational institutions where PEEF scholars are currently enrolled.