Academic year at NUST starts in Fall every year, an expatriate Pakistani student can opt for admission either on the basis of NUST Entry Test (NET) or American College Test (ACT) / Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Pakistani expatriates having dual nationality can apply on basis of NET or on basis of ACT / SAT (national and international seats), while foreign nationality holders (Non Pakistanis) can also opt to apply through NET as well as international seats on ACT / SAT basis. For detail, please visit International Students. Candidates selected on International seat cannot be converted to National seat. NET is conducted at four locations: Islamabad, Karachi, Quetta and Gilgit.
- Salient Features of Admission Policy
- Undergraduate Admission
- Eligibility Criteria
- Ineligibility Criteria
- Academic Qualification Required For Different UG Programs
- Procedure of admission on the basis of NET
- Subjects Included in NET with Weightings
- Merit Criteria for Admission on NET Basis
- Re-checking of NET Papers
- Applying on the Basis of ACT / SAT
- International Students
- UG Admission Application Processing Fee
- Cancellation of Admission
- FAQs
- Fee Structure
- Scholarships